ACME Dynamic Motion Seats – Realistic, Convincing Motion
ACME’s Dynamic motion seats are a combination of vehicle crew seats with electric motion components built inside the seat. The seats look, feel, and function like actual crew seats, and provide cues to emulate sensations felt during the vehicle or in-flight operations.
ACME seats translate simulator acceleration signals into realistic, convincing motion. True Q® seats provide a higher level of cueing, where the motion IS training, for example feeling unique signature sensations such as translation lift between Helicopters vertical and horizontal flight or the difference between a helicopter rotor out of balance or a blade of track.
The seats use a patented electric system with individual motion plates/pans, providing cues directly to the crew’s body. It’s the effect of multiple channels in the seat working seamlessly together that provides complete, realistic, immersive cueing.
The COTS core motion system inside is adaptable to any external seat shape or form so we can provide motion seats for nearly any Military & Commercial simulator.
In fact, we’ve produced dynamic motion seats for training systems worldwide including land vehicles such as locomotives, and Humvee-trucks, helicopters including AH-64, Multiple H-60 models, NH90, CV-22s, and fighter jets including like M346, F-15, F-16, & T-50. We can pair fighter seats with our G-suit system too for additional cueing capability.
ACME’s True Q® motion seats are an ideal way to cost-effectively add realistic motion cueing to any Sim. Motion Seats are much less expensive that motion platforms and offer much greater cueing than seat or platform shakers and ACME seats can provide unique cues such as yaw twist simply not available in platforms or shakers.

ACME GAR® – Realistic, Convincing Recoil Motion
ACME produces machine gun simulators that give the full-force, full rate of recoil feel of the actual weapon in a full scale gun replica that can be mounted on any aircraft, watercraft or vehicle simulator
Our machine gun simulators use a unique, patented all-electric Gun Active Recoil system within the mounting cradle to provide the recoil. ACME’s gun active recoil is the only weapon training system available anywhere that provides training critical, full force recoil using an electric system.
ACME produces unique machine gun weapon training systems that feature full-force, all-electric recoil at full rate of fire.
ACME’s weapon training systems combine highly realistic replica (non-weapon) guns, our patented, Gun Active Recoil System (GAR®) weapon cradle, and the electronics to drive it.
This system offers enormous benefits for the user:
- ACME’s replica non-guns look, feel, and function like real weapons and are packed with technology:
- Weapons’ internal sensors and an embedded computer application manage weapon state & performance parameters as well as operator actions.
- Weapon malfunctions such out-of-ammo, mis-fire, cook-offs, sluggish fire, and jams are instantly insertable. And as an additional advantage, no need to lock the non-guns in the armory after training. The all-electric system plugs right into the wall; no pneumatics and no blanks. The full-force recoil is tunable to SME satisfaction and rate of fire is selectable in real-time.
- ACME’s unique system recoils the weapon mount, not the weapon. This makes the system very versatile:
- A single GAR® serves multiple weapons. The GAR® replicates the actual Mk-64 weapon mount and can mount & recoil an M2, M240, M249, or Mk-19 weapon.
- The key benefit is the true, full-force recoil that is absolutely fundamental to realistic training. Its importance can’t be overstated.
- Full-force recoil realistically and continuously affects weapon sighting and target engagement
- Students must anticipate and compensate for the recoil, constantly reacquiring the target
- Anything less than full force recoil is simply negative training
- ACME’s weapon training systems provide a unique combination of electric power, sophisticated training technologies, and ultra realistic recoil.
- The result is true-to-life weapon training without the shooting range.