Vehicle True Q® Dynamic Motion Seats for Simulators
The ACME True Q® Dynamic Motion Seat (DMS) is a cost effective method of providing motion cues to a pilot or other vehicle operator. The dynamic seat adds inertial cues experienced in the operational system, whether its an aircraft, ground vehicle or other platform. Motion cues enhance the immersive experience of simulation, enabling better training and operator experience. The Dynamic Motion Seat delivers state-of-the-art performance providing vibration and motion cues in five independent axes of control, giving you a full 6 DOF system. It uses three directions of movement – vertical, longitudinal, and lateral plus it has differential surge that combines with sway motion to replicate roll.
The realistic motion from a Dynamic Motion Seat links the crew’s visual perceptions with the tactile perceptions — a critical capability for situational awareness. With True Q® seats, the crew feels the aircraft g-loading, and vibrations, maximizing simulator realism and training effectiveness. The critical difference with ACME True Q® is that students do not just feel the motion, but train using the motion. Using the ACME Dynamic Motion Seat cueing, crews can train to recognize and rapidly respond to the signature motion sensations. ACME’s proven designs, vast seat program expertise, and dedication to customer support means less risk to the customer.
Vehicle Simulation Training Value
The ACME True Q™Dynamic Motion Seats (DMS) set a new standard of value in the simulation world. The Vehicle DMS provides a motion training solution with the highest value including simulated feel of:
- Vehicle pitch, roll, and yaw
- Sudden bump or vehicle problems
- Roadway rumble, road expansion joint bumps, hazards
- Vehicle malfunctions such as tire blowout or engine hesitations
- Gunfire vibrations, weapons fly-out
- Obstruction impacts
- Wheel and road vibrations
- Turning and stopping cues
- Water and wave effects
- Dock bumping and humping effects