Trust is Earned…
For any business, repeat orders are a strong indicator of trust and support from the customer. A single order might indicate that the customer likes the product. A repeat order could suggest that the customer likes the product and the performance on the first project. Multiple orders over many years from the same customer is the pinnacle for any business—it suggests the customer likes the product, its performance, and the vendor’s performance. Multiple orders over many years is a great sign that a company is earning the trust of the customer.
We’re proud to say that ACME has provided dynamic motion seats for CAE for almost a decade. We’ve built SH-60B, MH-60S, and MH-60R type seats for CAE’s sophisticated naval helicopter trainers now deployed worldwide and in training use every day. ACME seats are in CAE-built trainers at:
- NAS Jacksonville, FL (4 motion seats)
- NS Mayport, FL (4 Motion seats)
- NAS North Island, CA (4 Motion seats)
- MCBH Kaneohe Bay, HI (4 Motion seats)
- NAF Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan (2 Motion seats)
- HMAS Albatross, Nowra, NSW, Australia * (4 Motion seats)
The H-60 motion seats in these trainers are high-fidelity replicas of the actual aircraft seats and include the motion cueing system built right into the seats. The seats look, feel, and function just like the actual aircraft seats.
The motion seats were provided in shipsets with matching Pilot and Co-Pilot seats driven by a single DMS computer. The trainers are a mix of both fixed-base and motion-platform systems. The fixed-base trainers use the ACME dynamic motion seats to provide the flight motion cues and the platform-based systems use the motion seats to augment the platform cues and improve the overall motion sensations.
We’ve got a great start on a decade of DMS with one customer but it’s just a start.
At ACME we recognize that we must earn a customer’s trust every day, on every product, on every project.