Dynamic Motion Seats will be Installed in the T-6 Trainers
CAE USA has selected ACME True Q® Dynamic Motion Seats for CAE’s T-6 Operational Flight Trainers (OFT) being produced for Mexico and New Zealand. Under this contract, ACME will provide a motion seat for the Mexican Air Forces Operational Flight Trainer and two motion seats for the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) OFTs. Under a separate contract, ACME will provide a very-high fidelity crew seat for the RNZAF Ejection Seat trainer. ACME’s motion seats are high-fidelity replicas of the actual aircraft ejection seat with patented, 5-channel motion cueing system built into the seats. The seats look, feel, and function like the actual crew seats and translate simulator signals into realistic, aircraft motion sensations for training.