Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

“Non-Disclosure Agreements and When You need One”

Often, discussing specific programs leads to sensitive details. It’s important that we understand your program so we can  offer the best solutions. We also understand the importance and sensitivity of your information.

ACME uses a range of agreements to protect your information. We’re very used to Non-Disclosure Agreements, Proprietary Information Agreements, or Confidentiality Agreements. We can provide templates that we can tailor together to meet specific needs. Or, we can work with your own agreement templates.

When is an agreement needed? An NDA is key for sharing proprietary information. An NDA is also likely when we need to discuss details sensitive to your program. Sensitive details include pricing, customers, budget, business plan, schedules, or important technologies. We also protect our proprietary, patented seat design information with NDAs. An NDA is an easy way to ensure we can talk openly and in detail.

We can help with the right agreement. Just mention to ACME that your program information is sensitive. We’ll work up an agreement that works for you and ACME.

“I’m worried about ITAR”

Worried that getting export authorization takes too long?

It’s not as difficult or time-consuming as is feared. The key is getting the right details to the right people for approval. Often, the decision itself is reasonably quick.

ACME has exported seat systems to many different countries. We’re well-versed with the requirements and information needed. We can help explain what is needed.

Plus, there have been changes over the last couple years that affect the process. Some of the changes make it easier.

“I’m worried about IA Compliant Software”

Information Assurance is an important feature for software systems. Security is now a major concern for many customers.

ACME’s Dynamic Motion Seats use the latest RedHat Linux software. It’s Information Assurance approved by the US Government. Approved software is key to IA certification for your simulator system with ACME seats.

Most Government trainer programs are likely to specify IA compliant computer systems. Having the right IA compliant
software is a big advantage for your program. With compliant software, there’s no need for expensive changes or patches.  No need for re-design using another operating system.

“I think Motion Seats are too Expensive”

ACME can build seats that meet your budget needs. There are many options to tailor the seats to your project. Here’s a few examples:

Choose The Motion Channels You Need  – Let’s talk about the cues you need and the motion channels that best provide those cues.  Our experts can help you choose a system with the right number of channels for your cueing and budget needs.

Choose the Sensors You Need  –  Ejection seats have lots of articulated levers and controls. ACME makes seats with sensors that report the position of these controls. The sensors provide clear insight to the instructor about the seat status. ACME also makes seats with fixed levers or that don’t need position sensors. Select seat details to match your requirements.

Choose the Details You Need – ACME builds seats that look, feel, and function exactly like a specific aircraft seat. ACME also builds seats with generic features. So, ACME can build you an exact AH-64-type seat or a general helicopter-type seat. And there’s a range of variations between those two points. You can choose the specific features and fidelity needed.

Ask about Volume Discounts – ACME can often find savings for larger quantity orders. It’s a fact that set up and manufacturing is less efficient in small volumes.  We can help pass on savings from our vendors for larger orders.

Talk with an expert at ACME. We can help you select the seat system with the right cues at the right price.

“I Tried Motion Seats Long Ago”

Technology changes. Try the True Q® Dynamic Motion Seat. The cues are much different than seat systems from many years ago.

ACME seats are the 5th generation of Dunamic Motion Seats. We’ve been building motion seats since 2004. And, since day one, we’ve talked with crews about their cueing needs and what works best. We listened when crews told us of old cueing systems that just didn’t work.

ACME’s motion seats aren’t gimballed atop a point like old systems. Pivoting on a point can make crews sim-sick quickly. That motion is unrealistic. And, the pivot moves the crew away from their aircraft controls and displays. ACME Dynamic Motion Seats use motion plates that move seamlessly together. It’s realistic cueing without sloshing on a pivot. And no sim sickness.

ACME motion seats don’t use bladders or pneumatic cushions like ancient systems. The old bladder seats were notorious for unrealistic, painful pressure on the crew’s backside. ACME Dynamic Motion Seats provide smooth, comfortable pressure by moving plates closer to each other.

Try our seats! Call for a visit to ACME. See us at a trade show. Talk with us about a demonstration.

“Our Simulator Has A Motion Platform- Why A Motion Seat Too?”

ACME motion seats are in simulators that also have motion platforms. The Air Force and Navy use both technologies in some of their H-60 helicopter simulators. The two technologies are very complimentary.

Some customers use the motion platform to provide part of the cues and the motion seat to provide some of the cues. For example, one technology might provide low-frequency cues and the other high-frequency cues. Or one system might provide flight cues and the other provide special effects like weapon launches or malfunction cues.

Motion seats are very good at very fast, very small motions. Small and fast cues are not strong suits for motion platforms. Motion seats can provide pressure as well as motion. So, motion seats can provide sustained cues where motion platforms can’t.

So, it’s not just a matter of one or the other. Ask our experts for details about using motion seats and motion platforms.