Pricing provided here is for a complete, True Q ® Dynamic Motion Seat (DMS) system that includes all hardware, software, firmware, electronics, and cabling needed for the seat system to provide realistic, multi-channel cueing.
This pricing represents only the product elements. Any additional programatic or engineering support such as on-site installation, training, on-site or on-call maintenance, tuning, meetings, design reviews, engineering support, extended warranties, spares assets, or contract deliverables such as reports, or SDRLS are separately negotiated.
Many options are available, volume order discounts are possible, and ACME can respond to program technical requirements – please contact ACME for specifics.
The following pricing notes are also applicable:
ACME reserves the right to adjust pricing as necessary.
All pricing is provided in US dollars.
Shipping costs can be erratic and are not included in the pricing.
All pricing is Calendar Year 2025 rates.
ACME Worldwide Enterprises, Inc.’s innovative Dynamic Motion Seats feature patented, multi-channel, cueing system (8827709).
As a simple business practice, ACME manages pricing requests and authorizations individually. Pricing is provided here as Commercial In Confidence and must not be released or shared.
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Pricing is only available for the product selected during registration. For multi-product pricing please contact ACME.