AFRL & ACME CRADA: Collaborators on the F-16 True Q® Dynamic Motion Seat
CRADA Objective: ACME is working with the US. Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) to accomplish the evaluation of the Dynamic Motion Seats under the CRADA. AFRL is the premier organization in the USAF for research and development (R&D) in warfighter training techniques and technologies. This R&D is aimed at producing a research foundation upon which sound training system development principles can be based. The CRADA will explore how realism and tactical training experience enhancement provided by the motion seat adds to the overall effectiveness of the aircrew training system. Increased realism is critical to providing optimal training environments and effective warfighter training. The research benefit of the CRADA is to continue to define the relevant fidelity, cost, performance requirements, and alternative solutions for various tactical training environment configurations that maximize learning and mission effectiveness at a minimal cost to the Air Force. As noted in the CRADA, ACME provides a complement of aircrew simulation and training systems to customers worldwide. On other projects, ACME provides motion seat systems for rotary type aircraft and is recognized as a leader in the industry. Development of fixed wing, tactical aircraft motion seats has enormous potential for training. The relationship developed between AFRL, with their research and Subject Matter Expert capabilities, and ACME’s corporate knowledge and success in motion seat development will ultimately lead to a training capability that will greatly benefit the warfighter.

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Background: The Air Force Activity is the USAF premier organization for research and development (R&D) in warfighter training techniques and technologies. The Air Force Activity’s robust R&D program is aimed at producing a research foundation upon which sound training system development principles can be based. Realism and tactical training experience enhancement add to the overall effectiveness of the system, and are critical to providing optimal training environments and effective warfighter training. The research benefit is to continue to define the relevant fidelity, cost, performance requirements, and alternative solutions for various tactical training environment configurations that maximize learning and mission effectiveness at a minimal cost to the Air Force. ACME Worldwide Enterprises, Inc. (ACME) provides a complement of aircrew simulation and training systems to customers worldwide. On other projects, ACME provides motion seat systems for rotary type aircraft and is recognized as a leader in the industry. The transition to fixed wing tactical aircraft has enormous potential to both potential trainees. The relationship developed with the Air Force Activity, with their research and Subject Matter Expert potential, combined with ACMEs corporate knowledge in motion seat development will ultimately lead to a training capability that will greatly benefit the warfighter. ACME has a patent pending on an invention titled “True Q®” having U.S. directed towards a motion seat system and method of use which is the subject of the CRADA.
ACME Seat Overview: ACME produces the most advanced Dynamic Motion Seat crew seats available for simulators and trainers. True Q® DMS motion seats translate host computer inputs into motion cues to produce absolute motion realism for simulations. In addition to their realistic motion, ACME seats can be customized to meet individual program requirements, such as appearance and fit to replicate specific vehicle or aircraft seats. ACME can incorporate many optional features including accelerometers, specific belts, or cushions to meet customer needs. ACME Seats provide exceptional realism at an exceptional price. ACME produces True Q® motion seats for many different simulator applications including wheeled and tracked vehicles, rail vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft. The ACME line of aircraft seats is particularly sophisticated and provides detailed cueing to replicate full motion for both rotary and fixed wing aircraft. ACME has a successful line of dynamic motion seats presently used on MH-60, SH-60, AH-64, V-22, F-16, F-15, T-6, T-50, M346, NH-90, Humvee, and Army Locomotive simulators.
ACME’s F-16 True Q® Dynamic Motion Seat at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Mesa, AZ
Video Footage Courtesy of Bruce Liddil, AFRL & L3 Communications.